Friday, April 15, 2011

Project Inspiration Board Part One

Okay, make that 2 inspiration boards!!! I got a little eager with this here lil project of mine, so I decided to turn it into a two parter. I'll just let the pictures do the talkin' (well, along with my comments under each one).

here's the previously mentioned "ugly gold" mirror that started the idea (please note the reflection of Noodle in the mirror, she just finished powdering her nose, which she does at least 10 times a day, because she's a lady).
here we have my "office." Pretty drab and uninspiring right? actually, I don't think I am allowed to even call it an office since, really, its just the nook by the closet.  but soon, it will be fabulous enough to be upgraded to the title "worlds most fabulous pretend office."
and the curve ball. the froofy Ikea frame that I purposely went out and bought after the project bug made its way up my.... transforming from a basic black, to a luscious warm cream to match the formerly known as "ugly gold" mirror residing next to it, all painted and pretty.

Here's the plan. Boards side by side on ugly barren wall. Former "froofy Ikea" frame will be morphed into Gorgeous Wedding inspiration, while former "ugly gold" mirror will be turned into Beautiful Boudoir. Hanging from the ceiling shall be a chandelier type of contraption, while ugly sconce on the wall shall be painted to match frames. I'm sure there will be other details thrown into the mix, but you get the idea. I can't wait to show you the outcome! I hope it turns out as good as I'm buliding it up to. I mean, honestly, ANYTHING is better than what it is right now, right? Riiiiiight. Check back Monday for the "big reveal!"

Happy Weekend!!

1 comment:

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